Course Description

 In an increasingly risky business environment a successful management of potential crisis has become a key quality of any executive. This course plans to talk first  about prevention and, as a measure of last resort, about the crisis firefighting. The crisis management start well before the crisis occurs and it is about how the organization is built and the type of human relations within. Crisis management is very much about communication: internal and external prior during and after the crisis. Therefore a section of the course will focus on the crisis related internal and external communication strategy. Finally going through the course you will end up with pre assessment of how capable is your own organization of preventing and handling crises.

Course Objectives

  • Understand the risk profile of the current business environment
  • Understand the vulnerabilities of an decision makers and organizations when confronted with unexpected changes
  • Understand the told and processes available to mitigate potential crisis
  • Design response strategies when confronted with a crisis
  • Understand the internal and external communication strategies
  • Using the crisis as a tool for organisational improvement


What you will learn

 Day 1

 The main features of the current business environment. What makes it more unpredictable than before?

Why is crisis management important?

How to recognize a potential crisis situation? The variables defining a crisis Why are humans scared of crisis? Flaws of our personality design.

Crisis leadership vs crisis management

General and specific sources of risk. Your case.

Organizational functions/departments aiming at risk detection Contingency planning


Day 2

How to recognize the development of a crisis situation

Containment strategies during the crisis

Media relations during the crisis Communication do’s and dont’s

The post crisis actions


About Radu Craciun

Radu is Professor at ASEBUSS since 2016 and currently holds the CEO position at BCR Pensii. Radu is also the President of the Romanian Private Pensions Association, an industry which he led during recent years to overcome important challenges. Radu has graduated a Master in Organisational Behaviour from the University of Hertfordshire, the EMBA provided by ASEBUSS and University of Washington and holds the INSEAD Certificate in Corporate Governance.

On his blog Radu writes on economic and geopolitical matters.


Calendar curs

 November 12 (Day 1)

Online session

18.00 – 20.30

 November 19 (Day 2)

Online session

18.00 – 20.30

Course fee: 550 lei/session (No VAT required)

For more information and registration please contact or 0722 274 555 (Bianca Ioan).