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Legacy of Learning- October 10

ASEBUSS Business School celebrates 30 years of activity in Romania this year, and on the occasion of this important milestone in our journey we will organize on October 10 a special and inspirational anniversary event for the business community:…
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Making a better life

ASEBUSS students and recent graduates, collaborators and supporters are welcome to join us for an interactive discussion about ways to make our lives better while going through times of unprecedented change. The discussion will be followed by…


At ASEBUSS you will be surrounded and inspired by a community of leaders. The combination of experienced participants, professors with practical experience, guest speakers from the business community and enthusiastic alumni guarantee a rich…

Impactul Executive MBA în cariera profesională

Absolvenții ASEBUSS îți povestesc cum au reușit   Monalisa Ungureanu, CEO Agrii România, absolventă a programului EMBA ”EMBA-ul a avut un rol determinant în desăvârșirea mea profesională”În 2010 am decis să urmez…

Primul consorțiu educațional privat din România, bazat pe modelul american

Singurul concept de ȋnvățământ facultate-master-MBA din România, bazat pe modelul american, care ȋși propune să crească noi generații de manageri și antreprenori bine pregătiți, este disponibil ȋn piață, din anul 2021. Școala…
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Early-booking registrations 2021 have started!

The Executive MBA Program and the Entrepreneurial MBA Program offered by ASEBUSS Business School are attracting each year experienced managers, top and middle level executives, as well as entrepreneurs. ASEBUSS Business School is the destination…

ASEBUSS signs partnership with Swiss School of Business and Management (SSBM), Switzerland

ASEBUSS Business School (Bucharest, Romania and Swiss School of Business and Management (SSBM)  have signed an agreement to provide/facilitate access to more international MBA degrees for business graduates. The new partnership…

Felicitari absolventilor ASEBUSS prezenti in WHO’S WHO IN BUSINESS Romania 2020

Felicitari absolventilor Executive MBA ASEBUSS prezenti in Anuarul “Who`s Who in Business Romania 2020” al Ziarului Financiar. Dupa un 2020 plin de provocari si schimbari facute sub presiunea crizei sanitare. ZIARULFINANCIAR a dedicat…

ASEBUSS actualizeaza curricula programelor EMBA si MBA

Leadership in Crisis, Digital Strategy, Strategic Branding, Business Ethics, Negotiations și Fintech sunt printre noile materii pe care cursanții din programele Executive MBA și Entrepreneurial MBA ale ASEBUSS le vor studia, ȋncepând cu…

Strategic Crisis Management

Course Description In an increasingly risky business environment a successful management of potential crisis has become a key quality of any executive. This course plans to talk first  about prevention and, as a measure of last resort,…
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Critical Choices for Leaders

Critical choices for leadersA macro and micro approachAt the beginning of July  AmCham Romania presented the results of the 2020 edition of the Business Barometer Survey. Compared with the previous edition, the responses to questions…