Legacy of Learning- October 10
ASEBUSS Business School celebrates 30 years of activity in Romania this year, and on the occasion of this important milestone in our journey we will organize on October 10 a special and inspirational anniversary event for the business community:…
5 ways an MBA will develop your entrepreneurial mindset
The current pandemic showed to all of us the importance of having an entrepreneurial approach in order to face an increasingly complex, uncertain world. As months have passed we learned to view the uncertainty not as a problem to be solved,…
Strategic Branding
Esti antreprenor sau general manager, marketing/ communication manager/brand manager/sales manager al unei companii si cauti acele parghii care te ajuta sa devii un business solid pe termen lung si chiar sa cresti in contextul actual extrem…
Leading Remote Teams
How to successfully lead (your) remote teamsEnhancing team effectiveness and performance The transition to remote work presented unique challenges for team leaders and team members. Learn how to improve team structure and communications,…
A special summer
Almost 6 months passed since our quick switch to online classes in March. Several courses were changed in format and adjusted in content by our professors so as to better fit the online delivery.Our 8th cohort of the Entrepreneurial MBA…
2020 EMBA Programs- Everything you want to know
EVERYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW ABOUT EMBA PROGRAMSAre you looking for more information about MBA? Do you have questions about: How will the classes be organized for 2020 cohort
Who are the participants in EMBA Programs at…
Brand Strategy - cum evoluam de la supravietuire la crestere
Pandemie, stare de urgenta, stare de alerta – au devenit cuvinte curente in vocabularul nostru si de business. O situatie pe care nu o concepeam acum cateva luni, pentru care niciun business nu a fost pregatit. Incepem sa ne obisnuim sa traim…
Hard Landing in Digital Era
Hard landing in Digital Era?How to get from Disrupted to DisruptorThe pandemic crisis is accelerating digital transformation in many companies, getting over long-standing resistance and silos and changing mindsets.The crisis is…
Smart Finance. Reshaping Supply Chain
SMART FINANCE. RESHAPING SUPPLY CHAINLiderii mediului de afaceri se concentreaza pe gestionarea efectelor imediate ale COVID-19 asupra lanturilor de aprovizionare, veniturilor si profitabilitatii se arata in cea de-a 22-a editie a studiului EY…
Time of Change
Time of Change As you probably read in the last few days, ASEBUSS Business School moved to online delivery since mid-March.How was this process you may wonder?Let me give you some information behind the scenes. At national…
Kennesaw State University ranked #1
Congratulations to our partner Kennesaw State University for being ranked again as the #1 program in Georgia and in GLOBAL TIER 1 in the Global Executive MBA rankings. The Executive MBA program of Kennesaw State University has been…