MBA in Bucuresti, Romania

Executive MBA Program

Be part of our +1500 alumni network

Entrepreneurial MBA Program

Business Acumen. Entrepreneurial mindset.

American Partnership. Local Expertise

As the first school organizing a Romanian-American Executive MBA in Romania, we strive to constantly improve our participants’ learning experience. If you are looking for a hands-on approach, an updated curriculum, a faculty team with practical experience and class participants with relevant managerial experience, we are looking forward to getting to know you!

Prof. Ovidiu Dimbean-Creta
PhD., Rector, The Institute for Business Administration in Bucharest Romania

This type of collaboration has a long history at Georgia State and the Robinson College of Business. 

Robinson College of Business reaffirms its commitment to supporting international partners in their ongoing efforts to build more prosperous, stable, and resilient economies.

Richard Phillips
Dean Robinson College of Business, Georgia State University

At ASEBUSS, we are committed to develop leaders through a comprehensive curriculum and the strength of our extensive alumni network. Our partnerships with leading U.S. business schools bring valuable global insights and resources, enhancing your learning journey and expanding professional opportunities.

Prof. Florin Marin
PhD, Dean, The Institute for Business Administration in Bucharest Romania

We address to participants who aim to become competitive managers in a global economy, who are open to an integrated approach of business that can be successfully implemented within each company.

Prof. Marcel Duhaneanu
President of the Senate


American partnership, Local expertise

TOP American university

US trained professors, local knowledge and expertise

+1500. Networking in the largest alumni community

Focus on applicability

Impact on alumni career and business growth

Alumni Success Stories

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At first sight you may ask yourself why an entrepreneur would ever need an Executive MBA program. After all, there are so many successful business owners which don’t have an MBA. However, if you want to achieve a long term vision for your business and you want to have competitive management principles at the core of your success, then the need for this type of education becomes apparent. For me it was a real gain and I get the return on investment in my daily business operations. Likewise, our company needed a motivated and performance oriented top management team. For us ASEBUSS was the right choice to recognize the performance of one of our managers and for sure he consolidated his business knowledge upon completing the same Executive MBA program.

Dragos Petrescu
Founder and President Trotter Prim
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Din punct de vedere profesional, perioada in care am urmat MBA-ul s-a suprapus cu multiple schimbari in cariera mea. Mi-am extins responsabilitatile cu preluarea unei  echipe regionale, am gestionat un proces de fuziune de echipe din doua regiuni diferite (a trebuit sa creez o noua structura functionala pentru o divizie cu prezenta in 35 tari) si ulterior am preluat un rol de coordonare end to end pentru Romania si Moldova.


Datorita EMBA-ului am capatat mai multa incredere in deciziile pe care le-am luat si mai multa usurinta in gestionarea problemelor complexeExecutive 

Cerasela Baiculescu
Country Leader IBM Romania si Moldova

Invatarea si actualizarea cunostintelor in IT sunt inerente, dar am considerat si mai important modul in care tehnologia sprijina un business de sucess. Cu cat am fost implicata in proiecte mai complexe, cu atat mai clar mi-a devenit ca un program de MBA completeaza cunostintele necesare pentru a gestiona schimbari organizationale de anvergura.

 Am considerat ca scoala de afaceri ASEBUSS acopera cele mai relevante subiecte de leadership, in context si expunere internationala, cu metode care imbina toate stilurile de studiu, sub ghidajul unor profesionisti cu o lunga cariera, atat in invatamant cat si in business.

 Fiecare curs a deschis noi oportunitati de comunicare cu colegi si parteneri non-IT, ducand la pornirea de noi proiecte. In final, tehnicile invatate m-au pregatit pentru un rol cu responsabilitati peste mai multe business units, din mai multe tari.


Maria Gheorghe
IT Lead at INGS Hubs Romania

I have managed to achieve my initial goal. Together with my team, we managed to take Romanian Software to the next level. We have registered an increase in both revenue and total number of employees.

Victor Dragomirescu
CEO of Romanian Software
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The Executive MBA program at ASEBUSS considerably improved my leadership and management skills, through practical courses and case studies that allowed me to apply the theory in real business situations. This practical experience helped me to manage teams and complex projects more efficiently, thus increasing the performance of the organization where I work.

The program gave me access to an extensive network of professionals and leaders from various industries, facilitating collaboration and the exchange of ideas. This network has proven extremely valuable, not only for the networking opportunities, but also for the perspective and guidance offered in various professional challenges.

Mihai Dobre
Regional Sales Manager, BRD Sogelease

News & Events


Registrations open for 2025 Executive MBA Program!

The Executive MBA Program offered by ASEBUSS Business School attracts each year experienced managers, top and middle-level executives, as well as entrepreneurs. ASEBUSS Business School is the destination of choice for applicability and relevance…

Management of Business Administration in Action

A 15-Week Executive Program for Middle Managers and EntrepreneursMBA in Action is a comprehensive, hands-on program designed to empower middle managers and entrepreneurs with practical knowledge and skills that can be immediately applied…

Transforming Careers and Lives: My ASEBUSS Executive MBA Journey

When I decided to pursue an Executive MBA, I knew it wasn’t just about acquiring knowledge—it was about redefining my trajectory. Among the many programs available, I chose the ASEBUSS Executive MBA because it stood out for its outstanding…

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