Diverse range of industries, backgrounds and business experiences

One of the most valuable assets of our Executive MBA programme is the knowledge and insights from the other participants.

Executive MBA participants come from a diverse range of industries, backgrounds and business experiences.

Each class consists of managers, specialists or business owners, as well as high-potential employees who are selected on the basis of their motivation, potential and previous work experience. Their backgrounds vary from engineering to economics, science, law or social sciences, and have relevant work experience from a wide range of industries and sectors.

The Executive MBA becomes the place for developing personal and professional networks and a place for sharing experiences and ideas so as both you and your company will benefit.

35 years

Average Age

7 years

Average Managerial Experience


Managers/Business owners



2022 Executive MBA Profile

At first sight you may ask yourself why an entrepreneur would ever need an Executive MBA program. After all, there are so many successful business owners which don’t have an MBA. However, if you want to achieve a long term vision for your business and you want to have competitive management principles at the core of your success, then the need for this type of education becomes apparent. For me it was a real gain and I get the return on investment in my daily business operations. Likewise, our company needed a motivated and performance oriented top management team. For us ASEBUSS was the right choice to recognize the performance of one of our managers and for sure he consolidated his business knowledge upon completing the same Executive MBA program.

Dragos Petrescu
Founder and President Trotter Prim
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Din punct de vedere profesional, perioada in care am urmat MBA-ul s-a suprapus cu multiple schimbari in cariera mea. Mi-am extins responsabilitatile cu preluarea unei  echipe regionale, am gestionat un proces de fuziune de echipe din doua regiuni diferite (a trebuit sa creez o noua structura functionala pentru o divizie cu prezenta in 35 tari) si ulterior am preluat un rol de coordonare end to end pentru Romania si Moldova.


Datorita EMBA-ului am capatat mai multa incredere in deciziile pe care le-am luat si mai multa usurinta in gestionarea problemelor complexeExecutive 

Cerasela Baiculescu
Country Leader IBM Romania si Moldova

Invatarea si actualizarea cunostintelor in IT sunt inerente, dar am considerat si mai important modul in care tehnologia sprijina un business de sucess. Cu cat am fost implicata in proiecte mai complexe, cu atat mai clar mi-a devenit ca un program de MBA completeaza cunostintele necesare pentru a gestiona schimbari organizationale de anvergura.

 Am considerat ca scoala de afaceri ASEBUSS acopera cele mai relevante subiecte de leadership, in context si expunere internationala, cu metode care imbina toate stilurile de studiu, sub ghidajul unor profesionisti cu o lunga cariera, atat in invatamant cat si in business.

 Fiecare curs a deschis noi oportunitati de comunicare cu colegi si parteneri non-IT, ducand la pornirea de noi proiecte. In final, tehnicile invatate m-au pregatit pentru un rol cu responsabilitati peste mai multe business units, din mai multe tari.


Maria Gheorghe
IT Lead at INGS Hubs Romania

The Executive MBA program at ASEBUSS considerably improved my leadership and management skills, through practical courses and case studies that allowed me to apply the theory in real business situations. This practical experience helped me to manage teams and complex projects more efficiently, thus increasing the performance of the organization where I work.

The program gave me access to an extensive network of professionals and leaders from various industries, facilitating collaboration and the exchange of ideas. This network has proven extremely valuable, not only for the networking opportunities, but also for the perspective and guidance offered in various professional challenges.

Mihai Dobre
Regional Sales Manager, BRD Sogelease

The EMBA program helped me first of all to expand my business perspective outside the professional area in which I have developed so far and to think much more methodically and pragmatically. In addition, having access to colleagues with extensive experience in different fields than me, I managed to complete the knowledge acquired through my own efforts with advice and ideas offered by the colleagues in the group. Of course, this support proved valuable because I made new connections in the business area, I managed to expand my vision towards more elaborate strategies, targeting global markets, but I also made new friends for life.

Alexandra Fus
Founder Fus Management SRL

The EMBA taught me to be confident and to take decisions. The team of faculty’ professionalism, the quality of courses and teaching materials represented a permanent incentive for maintaining the high standards of the program. We always acquired answers which were adequate to reality and we were determined to think global and act local.

Dan Bulucea
New Business Sales Director, APAC, Google
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I found out from several alumni that the Executive MBA program is of the highest quality, with great emphasis on practical applications, debates and case studies, all study materials in English. It was convincing and came at the right moment in my life.

Emil Bituleanu
Chairman of the Board of Directors at LIBRA BANK
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My biggest lesson during my EMBA experience is that you can try! Don’t be afraid to try and to take your limit to places you never dreamed off.  I am saying all the time that the sky is the limit, but I didn’t realize how true it is until I found so many case studies that provide me it is.
From the moment I finished my studies, I took my personal career to a place where I had not been before and applied my personal entrepreneurial abilities to developing the business  to new markets in new countries and a brilliant growth while implementing the material I learned mainly in courses such as: “global strategic management “,” International business” and “Multinational business finance”.

Tal Lazar
Operational Manager of Alpla Plastic and Shareholder in Sabon Romania
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I chose ASEBUSS Executive MBA, where I had the opportunity to analyze almost 100 case studies and I felt that I have obtained an overall vision in making efficient decisions in all functional areas of a company. Collaborating in international teams with the American colleagues at Kennesaw State University, Atlanta taught me valuable business lessons

Simona Titică
Associate Partner, Vertical Admin
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ASEBUSS was the business school I felt I could trust the most, with its almost 25 years of experience, the partnership with one of the biggest universities in the USA and, let’s not forget to mention, the impressive number of graduates that hold top management positions in Romania’s biggest companies or are successful entrepreneurs.

Florin Joacăbine
General Manager of Astal Security Technologies
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I have managed to achieve my initial goal. Together with my team, we managed to take Romanian Software to the next level. We have registered an increase in both revenue and total number of employees.

Victor Dragomirescu
CEO of Romanian Software
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During my career I had the opportunity to work in all departments in big companies in FMCG. Every time I could, I tried to help my subordinates with advice based on my own experience. However, I never neglected the academic training. I graduated ASEBUSS in 2000 and I chose to enroll only when I had relevant managerial experience. I recommend this approach, as you will debate almost 100 case studies and it’s important to have prior practical experience when giving a specific solution.

Florin Rădulescu
Managing Director of Iberia Refreshments (Pepsi-Cola Bottler in Georgia)
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The wings beneath the suit

The magic of those two years at ASEBUSS is real and I invite you to experience it. I love this school for what it offered me beyond the lectures!
Pragmatically, for those who weigh benefits and analyse the profitability, I can say it was one of the best investments in my life!
Besides, that’s no mean feat to be part of an elite and it isn’t something you can achieve overnight.
But the feeling is strong and real.
Like it’s a sixth sense. The sense of confidence in your own powers and of the wings rising underneath the corporatist or the entrepreneur suit. Can’t you see them? Maybe, but I can feel them!

Nora Ioniță
Managing Director EvolutionMedia - Communication Agency
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The ASEBUSS EMBA Program taught me and my colleagues, more than anything else, that when we are together, when we join minds and team up, we cannot be defeated. That every day we worked together in a project or we got together to prepare for an exam, or simply when we met to talk about challenges we faced in our professional daily lives, we all gained and offered support to each other. The ASEBUSS networking remains special and continues long after graduation.
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Gabriel Ivan
Country General Manager CHEP Romania

Enrolling in this EMBA program was something that I wished to do, not something that I had to, the reason being that I wanted to know more about business in general, and not just sales – the field in which I work at this moment. Besides achieving my goal, this EMBA also gave me the necessary courage to start my own business. I started thinking about creating my own start up when I was attending the EMBA’s courses; it all started from an analysis.

Liviu Voicu
Sales Manager Gettica OOH
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ASEBUSS is the most complete program I could enroll in while, at the same time, staying in Romania and continuing my career. It is a program that benefits from a complex syllabus, based on real economic situations, with experienced professors. It is also important that it addresses people who are already focused on their path of professional development, which creates the premises for the homogeneity of the group of participants.

Daniel Boaje
Managing Director Mc Donald's Franchise Austria (McDonald’s)
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We started a new business based on our final paper, the dissertation at the end of the Executive MBA transformed into an online store! You will, for sure, acquire the skills and knowledge required to take advantage of any opportunity. The two years we spent at this EMBA helped us very much, and we do not just refer to the courses we had, but – especially – to the program’s timely pace, the mandatory planning and organizing and the habit of asking yourself questions and then finding solutions.

Adina & Ștefan Lukacs
Librăria de vinuri
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ASEBUSS was a reality-check for me because I was working in the banking industry at the time and, while banks are connected with the economy they are still different than many other businesses. At school, I was experiencing the real life because I had colleagues who were asking questions about situations in their companies.After working for ABN/RBS there were tough times for banking industry, therefore in 2013 I took over a new role at Carpatica Bank in order to reposition it and search for a strategic investor. I have an intrapreneurial approach, so I still have the opportunity to apply what I learned in the program.

Cosmin Bucur
CEO MoneyCorp Romania
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I had recently taken over the General Manager position and started the ASEBUSS EMBA with the idea of improving my financial skills. At the end of the Executive MBA program I can say that my achievements surpassed my initial goal.

Aurel Băloi
CEO Intergraph Computer Services
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I chose the ASSEBUS program mainly for the possibility of doing quality networking, but also for finding more about cost efficiency, which are important aspects for any company, regardless of its size and activity field. And it has been proven that I made the right choice.

Marius Ciuperca
General Manager Setrio
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