In the world of entrepreneurship and innovation, the stories of EMBA alumni who have developed successful ventures are both inspiring and instructive for our participants.
With the goal of offering a hands-on approach to our participants, Alina Parincu, PhD has added a new component to the Entrepreneurial Mindset course in the second year: group visits to entrepreneurial companies and dense conversations with the business owners that allow our students to experience the intricacies of navigating business challenges, encourage innovative thinking and identifying solutions.
Casa Buna Association, the place where Valeriu Nicolae and his team, together with an amazing community of volunteers, offer vulnerable, unprivileged children, hope and a chance at a normal life.
A valuable lesson about compassion, suffering and the power to move on, endurance, failure, patience, time, resources, education, sports, health and vocation, about great people with huge hearts, about values and integrity!
Thank you Alina Parincu, PhD for the way you facilitated these transformational meetings with a long lasting impact on the professional development of our participants.